At iDent clinic, we are committed to providing treatment of the highest quality, making every effort to ensure the patient is comfortable and treated with respect.
The total amount of subsidised benefits does not take adequate account of the time to be invested and the materials used to ensure you receive excellent care.

Some examples :

  • 1
    Many products are available for glueing your fillings or crowns. We work exclusively with a very effective, reliable system that is however more expensive than many other products of inferior quality.
  • 2
    In certain specific cases, to avoid unnecessary devitalization that would weaken your tooth, we use biocompatible materials as routine practice, thus maintaining the vitality of your tooth and preventing you from having to undergo complicated and unnecessary treatment.
  • 3
    The cutting-edge orthodontics brackets we use have a more rounded profile and are smaller (so they bother you less), with improved glueing methods that make it more difficult for them to come unstuck.
  • 4
    And plenty other tools and technologies that you will benefit from during your treatment…

To ensure this high quality of service, we do not have set government-regulated fees.
In practice, this means that you will get back about 60% of the cost of visits and preventive and preservative care from your supplementary health insurance fund.
Also note that supplementary health insurance fund does not cover implants, bridges or cosmetic treatments.

Honoraires dentaires à Bruxelles

How can I get a higher level of reimbursement ?

In addition to the classic Belgian health insurance fund, which will reimburse a portion of your expenses, it is good to know that specific extended dental cover also exists. Almost all health insurance funds offer extended dental cover, so that fees not covered by the basic fund can be reimbursed.

Check with your health insurance provider. And make sure you compare the various formulas offered by different health insurance funds (DKV, Dentalia +, etc.)!


Prenez soin de votre sourire. Vous le méritez.

Notre plus grande satisfaction sera votre retour positif sur la confiance qu’un beau sourire peut vous procurer. Augmenter sa confiance et l’estime de soi n’a pas de prix.